Voicing the Vision – Master classes

European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education conference, Gwent, Belgium
Voicing a Vision – Singing truth to power
We are, sadly, living through dark times, so we’re all faced with how to respond individually and collectively. Can we find a voice that feels truthful, that expresses our power and our vulnerability, and that can feel strong in protest and in lament?
Frankie will offer her style of voice-work, a natural style based on traditional and ethnic cultures who sing as naturally as they speak. Her approach engages the whole body and invites us be in touch with the earth.
Singing is one of the most time-honoured forms that give a sense of communion and community and enable us to give heightened expression to archetypal human experiences and emotions. We know that singing generates energy. In this context, we can use it to face the dark, to express our dissent and to voice our vision of a more just world.