Adventures in Voice Workshop in Bergen, Holland
Adventures in Voice bringing voice and song fully alive Contact for further information and bookings: Kamala Raymakers tel. 06 22318829
Adventures in Voice bringing voice and song fully alive Contact for further information and bookings: Kamala Raymakers tel. 06 22318829
Frankie Armstrong with Darien Pritchard Workshops in Bergen, Holland The voices of the archetypes of Myth Contact for further information and bookings: Kamala Raymakers tel. 06 22318829
Adventures in Voice 3 Part Workshop Apr 25, May 9, May16 2 hours each, (10am-12 noon) Workshop
Adventures in Voice 3 Part Workshop Apr 25, May 9, May16 2 hours each, (10am-12 noon) Workshop
Adventures in Voice 3 Part Workshop Apr 25, May 9, May16 2 hours each, (10am-12 noon) Workshop
July 6th to July 12th 2025 Week long intensive workshop exploring the physicality and vocal qualities using the universal aspect of figures from the world's mythologies. TUITION, ROOM AND BOARD** […]
All day event (Frankie’s exact dates tbc) Concert and workshop